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Oracle Java license management


Oracle Java license management

Latest Version:
Released on July 11, 2023

This content can be installed directly from the in-product library in your Nexthink Infinity platform. For details on how to access the in-product library click here.


Java licensing model

In 2023, Oracle updated its Java licensing model by introducing the new Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription. Although offering many improvements, its new pricing model has raised concerns. This new licensing model makes it critical to keep track of the presence of different versions of Oracle Java (especially pre-v17) in an environment, as even having a single binary can result in huge licensing costs. Additionally, in 2021, Oracle released its new Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions (NFTC) license, which makes new (v17 and later) LTS releases free for production use in most cases.


Keeping track of Java pressence, versioning, licensing type, application dependencies, compatibility, and third-party versions can be a real nightmare. Besides the associated difficulty, the change in Oracle's license pricing model means that unprepared organizations will rapidly face high—and often unnecessary—costs.


This new library package helps detect the use of various Java binaries and determine which category (NFTC-applicable, NFTC-not-applicable, third-party Java) it belongs to, allowing IT teams to make faster and more accurate decisions about which versions they want to be deployed in their organizations.

Key Features:

  • Immediate detection of Java presence across all endpoints.
  • Visualization of the general licensing classification for each java version.
  • Monitoring the presence of different versions of Java.



  • - 11 Jul 2023 - The dashboard has been redesigned and now uses installed packages instead of execution events to detect the presence of Java even when it is not in use. In-product documentation has been added to explain how to use the dashboard.
  • - 11 Jul 2023 - Initial release




V2023.1 and later