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Windows 11 Readiness


Windows 11 Readiness

Latest Version:
Updated on June 21, 2024


Windows 11 is here, replacing Windows 10 as Microsoft's primary OS. However, it comes with stricter hardware requirements than its predecessor, and won't upgrade to older devices.

Unfortunately, most IT teams have a limited, hardware-centric understanding of their device landscape, preventing accurate foresight about the impact of a Windows 11 migration on budget, DEX, and IT productivity.

The Windows 11 Readiness Library pack enables IT teams to uniquely understand their device landscape readiness for a Windows 11 migration at the device, application, and employee experience level by combining both Microsoft and Nexthink DEX intelligence to looks beyond simple hardware requirements. Transformation teams can also leverage employee's DEX scores and their use of business-critical applications to determine the most appropriate candidates for their pilot group.

Install this Library Pack to:

  • Perform hardware requirement checks across the entire device landscape.
  • Identify devices to keep, upgrade, or replace.
  • Ensure business-critical applications are not negatively affected by Windows 11.
  • Choose pilot group based on DEX Score and application usage.
  • Ensure employee experience is high enough to migrate

Support, transformation, and EUC teams can use this pack to build a painless and cost-effective Windows migration strategy to improve employees' main OS experience.

Find other Library packs to support your Windows 11 activities:



  • - 21 Jun 2024 - Minor updates and enhancements to the "Get Windows 11 readiness" Remote Action
  • - 01 Sep 2023 - Added "Get Windows 11 readiness" Remote Action
  • - 25 Jan 2023 - Updated OS requirements
  • - 22 Jul 2022 - Fixed typo in Get BitLocker Information" Remote Action
  • - Edited CPU category to better recognise 11th generation Intel CPUs
  • - 25 Mar 2022 - Implemented usage of improved functions to retrieve OS management information on "Get BitLocker Information" Remote Action
  • - 22 Mar 2022 - DirectX and WDDM version detection, upgrade costs functionality and potential software OS upgrade blocker added
  • - 06 Dec 2021 - Added links to other Windows 11 library packs
  • - 06 Dec 2021 - Added Windows 11 to the excluded devices category so as to omit devices that already have it installed. Fixed bug with ratios
  • - 15 Nov 2021 - Minor enhancement to Score labels. Added thresholds to hardware and software metrics
  • - 12 Oct 2021 - Initial release


Categories - 7
Dashboards - 4
Metrics - 47
Scores - 2

Required Products

Nexthink Act


Windows 7 and newer


V6.29 and later