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IT Initiatives

Out of the box library packs to help IT drive the most common digital transformation projects


With Nexthink’s evolving series of library packs, IT can finally streamline the entire management cycle and put order to chaos for any planning, migration, or adoption initiative.

Unlock a whole new world of employee-centric analytics with clear project-specific dashboards and metrics, and enable simple remediation and end-user engagement campaigns that make an immediate impact. Give IT Support the means and expertise it deserves to confidently take their Digital Employee Experience to the next level.

Fresh from the Nexthink Library!

ROI estimation cockpit


Measure Nexthink's impact with ROI data. Quantify IT time, cost, and sustainability savings to inform decisions and build stakeholder confidence.

Workflow: Windows 11 migration

Orchestrate the Windows 11 migration process with automated compatibility checks and pre-to-post migration user engagement.

Workflow: Device assignment verification

Orchestrate the verification and update of device assignee information in the ServiceNow Hardware Asset Management database through a dedicated workflow.

Ready to start delighting your employees?